What is the Matrix?
It is a realm of unlimited possibilities.
Where we lie on the face of this planet, it is us to hope to bring to you, a new earth.
What is the Matrix?
It is a realm of unlimited possibilities.
Where we lie on the face of this planet, it is us to hope to bring to you, a new earth.
Guys. that was awesome. Thank you for putting together such a beautiful and professional doco. I don't want to say all the similarities. And getting the link from the mother of my babies, whilst we are temporarily separated by law... I'll just say blue spots. Thank you.
I can't thank you enough for making this documentary... You are definitely not alone in your experiences. God bless you!
Linda do you have the same experiences? Can you tell more about it?
Not me, my son. It started when he was only 4 years old.
What does he see exactly?
When he was 4 he came running downstairs and exclaimed that Jesus came to see him. I immediately brushed it off saying “wow, that sounds like a great dream!” But he got angry and adamant about the fact that Jesus came to see him. I wasn’t sure I even believed in God at this point. I made him explain in detail and this is what he said “Mom, I know it was Jesus. Not a dream. You know when we go to cross the street and you hold my hand? I feel safe because I know you love me and would never let anything bad happen to me. But when Jesus was with me... I felt this PURE love, like a thousand times more than you love me. And he has so MUCH POWER! You can feel the power, so much that I was sure nothing in the UNIVERSE could ever hurt me when Jesus was there.”
I still brushed it off as a good dream, skip ahead 6 years to 2015. Jacob tells me Jesus told him he had a very important job to do. Jesus also told him that Donald Trump would win the election. I laughed out loud at that. Until election night, at which point I almost had an aneurysm.
He also sees shapes, he saw auras for a short period of time, but no longer does. He saw this thing that looked like a black garbage bag dying out of the wall, he said he knew it was a bad spirit, so he thought about Jesus and then it disappeared and a light turned on. A fluorescent light that was burned out, just turned on.
He hasn’t seen Jesus in 3 years. Jesus said although Trump was not a nice guy, it was important that he win the election. Trump’s victory was a catalyst for a very big change that will occur in the world. All I know are these snippets of information... the waiting is so very difficult! I’m not sure what my son is supposed to do?? Since I see nothing myself, i am clearly not an instrumental piece of the puzzle.
Very interesting. Can you ask your son to ask about me from Jesus when he see him next time? Or can he tell him to visit me? I wonder can I experience something about it if it's possible. Sometimes I feel auras and other things. It would be great to know more about this thing. More eyes can see more.
From what I understand, we will all be able to see the other realm soon. It will be on earth as it is in heaven. First there will be turmoil, then it will be beautiful! People will be healed through prayer alone, we will control the weather, the veil that separates this realm from the afterlife will be very thin.
All we can do is stay positive, pray and meditate, love the people around us... and wait. The beauty and glory is coming, soon ❤️
Exactly what is happening now....
Yes, Linda (and Peter). Trump is a catalyst. I've said that very same thing to others. He's a mirror, reflecting back the beliefs of our society (in America), as a whole. The wave of people migrating toward the U.S. border is a showdown. It's up to us how we respond - or react - to the situation. Right at the Winter Solstice. Will we respond with love and compassion? Or React out of fear and hate? How much have we evolved since 12/21/2012 ??? We're being graded, spiritually. Will we graduate? It's true - it's important we stay positive, pray for peace and mediate with an open heart - sending out healing energy to everyone. And be patient. Everything has to align in order for the Earth to heal. It's a slow process by things are definitely speeding up! And if this skeptical scientist can make a giant leap into spirituality and become a full-time Medium within two years, ANYTHING Is Possible!
(I'm now someone who talks with the dead, ETs, and Angels on a daily basis - when I didn't believe in any of them 2 yrs ago!) P.S. Linda, your son is right - These changes are coming and "Jesus" is a powerful being, full of light, love, and protection. It's possible for him to see auras again. He just has to train his eyes to see them - and all forms of energy. Encourage his abilities because the sad part is, it gets shut down by our thoughts/beliefs - which is often the result of going to public school or encountering others who "think we're crazy" and convincing us we are.
There's no grading whatsoever....it's a shift. A collective consciousness shift, which works alongside the energy of the Earth which is also shifting, and which requires less than 1/2 of 1% of the global population to be at the proper energetic level to kick it off.
The Hopis spoke of this - Red & Blue Kachinas. We supposedly saw the Blue Kachina when Hale Bop was near us - that's around the same time the Heaven's Gate people chose to leave their bodies & transform back to their energetical states. We are now awaiting the Red Kachina. Unexpectedly, I met 2 actual Kachinas 2 days ago which left me crying due to their flood of energy, in an absolutely unexpected place. This is a very special time & we have all chosen to be here for this, whether we choose to actually be 'awake' for it or not.
The most important thing we can do is to live in joy, compassion & love, to sit in that energy, to radiate that energy, which automatically flows to others, everywhere, regardless of distance, dimension, location or 'time'. The crash & burn comes before the rebuilding.