Dear Wake Up Crew - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Make a Part 2 to this Movie. It was released in 2010. People barely heard about it. It was a movie before its time. So much has happened since then. I'm sure Jonas has learned a lot and developed his abilities so much more since then. He experienced a Kundalini Awakening. Many have also had this happen to them. I speak from personal experience. I was first told about this film in 2012. I put it on the back burner and didn't watch it until 2014. When I first watched it, I was a skeptical research scientist. I didn't understand it. I did, however, remember when I lived in Seattle in the late 80s - all the "humor" surrounding JZ Knight (who's interviewed in this movie) and the Ramtha followers - the media had a field day with it! I was on the same bandwagon and thought they were all a bunch of quacks and crazies. Fast forward two more years when I had my own "awakening" in 2016. I re-watched this film. I understood it a lot more. And I just re-watched it again (it's now 2018) - through the eyes (my own) of a Medium. I have a totally different perspective. I now channel (what JZ Knight does), talk with the dead, ETs and even Angels. Just a year ago, I struggled to say that out loud. I was afraid of what people would think of me. Today, I've reached an epic point where that no longer matters. It's real. Three years ago, I didn't even believe in Angels, the Afterlife, or ETs! There's a Part 2 just waiting to be made! I can FEEL it!